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Friday 17 August 2012


What is it? 

It's simply a word used to include all bodytypes. Somatotypes does not depend on eye colour, length of hair, skin colour, shape of nose or anything of the like - however, the previous listed things are caused by the very same thing as somatotypes. Genetics! Some people were born skinny and stay like that the rest of their lives, some are born being prone to gaining weight and some are born in between.

Here are the stereotypes:

Looking at these stereotypes, we can get a pretty good thought of where we are.

Calculating your somatotype...

 ... isn't actually that hard. However, you will need a partner (since only few people can measure skinfolds on their backs). The chart above is/are the numbers used to pinpoint your body type pretty accurately, when it has been calculated. Here's how to calculate it:

First, let me introduce to you the Heath-carter chart. (Look it up if you can't read what it says and you're going to do this...)

As you can see, this chart is in three different colours. Endomorphic component, Mesomorphic component, and Ectomorphic component. 

Let me walk you through this, using myself as an example.
Calculating the endomorphic component.

Add the subtriceps skinfold, subscapular skinfold, and suprailiac skinfold and then subtract the calf skinfolds (commonly 0).
Here are my numbers:
Subtriceps: 6 cm
Subscapular: 4,5 cm
Suprailiac: 5 cm
Calf: 0 cm

Adding those up, it is 15,5. That places me between 15 - 18,9. Then look at the number bellow - my endomorphic component is 1,5. 

Calculating the mesomorphic component.
On this table, there are 5 values: height, humerus bicondyle, femur bicondyle, upper arm circumference, and calf circumference.

My height is approximately 172 cm.
Humerus bicondyle (upper arm bone): measured to approximately 6,5 cm
Femur bicondyle (thighbone): measured to approximately 9,1 cm
My upper arm circumference is 30 cm
My calf circumference is 36,8 cm

Here's what it looks like on the chart:

Now make a line down from the height. This is your start point. Humerus deviates one column forward, making it +1. Upper arm circumference deviates +1, too. Calf circumferences deviates +3.

Add up all the deviations.

(+1) + (+1) + (+3) = +5

My new starting point is 5,0, because of the deviations sum.

Divide the sum of the deviations by four.

5/4 = 1,25.
1,25 ~ + 1.
Now move the according amount of columns from your new starting point.
5 + 0,5 = 5,5

My mesomorphic component is 5,5.

Calculating the ectomorphic component.

Use the equation: Height divided by the cuberoot of weight

My height is 172, my weight 58,5 kg.

Cuberoot of weight = 3,88

Using the equation, this is the result: 172/3,88 = 44,32

Again looking at the Heath-carter chart, this time for the ectomorphic component, I am between 44,19 - 44,84.

My ectomorphic component is 4.

The somatotype is always quoted in the order or endomorphic, mesomorphic, ectomorphic, as a three-digit number.
Endomorphic: 1,5
Mesomorphic: 5,5
Ectomophic:   4

Any half components are rounded up, so my endomorphic component is written as 2. My mesomorphic component written as 6.
264 is my somatotype number (264)! (Congratulations to you if you understood all the not-so-well-explained math of this!)
The chart with numbers somewhere up top of this post states me as an ectomorphic mesomorph.

So, we calculated your somatoype and everything, but why is it an advantage to be aware of it?

When you're aware of your exact somatotype, nutritionists are able to say exactly what your body needs to rebuild the muscles, when it needs it, and what is healthy for you. Compared to working out, it's a great advantage. For an example, if you're skinny (ectomorph), then you'll need to gain some fat before you can gain muscle. This seems as common knowledge, but all based on somatotypes, them nutritionists would be capable of telling you what would make you gain the most, healthy fat. Personal trainers would know how to start building your muscle properly.
Basically, EVERY secret to the body you want lies in nutrition and knowledge of your body type. 
So go figure yours out (at the doctor, if you still doubt how to do this). Figure the best way for you to get the body you want - and work for it!

If you want something temporary, here's a link: Livestrong